Full Version: the only good thing about sweden
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I can do this: öäåäöåäöåöööäööäöååå

otherwise this country is garbage and I cannot wait to get out. fuck
You don't know an umlaut from a wrist watch.
why are you there anyway slipper?
It's your duty to fuck a girl named Inga while you're there.
p.s. thanks for mocking my whats up thread Confusedneak:
Quote:It's your duty to fuck a girl named Inga while you're there.
I would be more satisfied if I blew her head off
PS. Make sure she has the braided pig tails or it don't count.
I will make sure after I blow her fucking head off and fuck her rotted meatfla....aghhh this place is turning me into Grumpy. HELP!!!
Seriously, what fucking reason in the world is there to be in Sweeden anyway?

You were on such a high horse, trying to make us envious, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I feel shame
You should start fucking with the people, at least you will entertain yourself
Tell them you're an American and make them wash your feet for not being taken over by Communism years ago or whatever or whoever we saved them from in the past.

Then make them give you money as thanks.

Then fuck his girlfriend.
Then paint the streets with the blood of their children
Sleeper! Chocolate! Chocolate! :lookatme:
You women and your Damn chocolate
hey speaking of swedish girls, anybody hear that a swedish girl showed LZ her bush?
Did this happen in or around the hot tub?
I saw Sweden on sale on ebay the other day.
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