This dumb twat downstairs from me keeps banging at my door to tell me to turn down my music --- at 6 PM! She couldn't hear Friends.
I can't help it that we bought a 600 watt stereo system last month before she moved in. She doesn't like the subwoofer pounding on her ceiling. Well, tough shit, it's an apartment and you have to deal with other people's noise....I rolled my eyes at her last night and she went and tattled on me to the apartment manager (who could care less) that I was "snotty" to her.
I hate when people bother me in my own home. I never complain about the noise anyone else makes. How do I get rid of this bitch or at least make her life a bit more miserable without getting thrown out of my apartment?
there are many a nasty things that you can do to her.
i have posted about such things in the past. here are a few examples:
take some #2 pencils and break the points off in the keyhole of her lock when you know she's not home.
get a LARGE cylindrical container and fill it with water.......lean it against her door and ring the doorbell.
get a bag of gummi bears......grab a match or a lighter.....light up a few gummi bears and let them burn a bit so they turn into a sticky yet managable mess proceed to cover her doorknob with them.
i could go on and on but these should provide you wih hours of enjoyment. :thumbs-up:
b-but friends isn't on till 7.....
Start dressing like an arab. suggestions will piss her off and unless someone witnesses you setting them up you cannot get busted.
you win!
Godforbid people want some peace and quiet in their own home
I mean the nerve of them

It wasn't that loud, and it wasn't that late. I turn off my music before 8 pm. I just want to unwind when I get home form work, is that too much to ask?
Like I said, that's the breaks of living in the apartment, you have to hear other people's noise. We've had terrible neighbors but I've never complained once. We've been there 2 years, and no one else has said one word about us. It's like living upstairs from my fucking mother. But it's not really my problem, it's hers...and unfortunately, we can't afford a house.
Quote:Godforbid people want some peace and quiet in their own home
I mean the nerve of them
ahh, but it's an apartment - and being such, people should realize that they are sharing the space they live in.
Just keep listening to your music and if she doesn't like it, tough shit - she just moved in, she's the n00b, so she has to deal.
Quote:people should realize that they are sharing the space they live in.
Playing your music loudly doesn't fall under this rule?
Oh yeah! Loud sex'll do it! :thumbs-up:
Quote:Loud Sex!
Entirely different matter
Loud Sex is entertaining for everybody
"you're gonna have to keep me up, alllll niiiiight"
The best part about loud sex is leaving your apartment the following day and seeing the other people chuckle
they know your name before they meet you
Spit, when she comes to complain answer the door neked
Quote:What if she's a dyke?
then turn her down, and continue with the loud sex ........ or invite her in & solve two problems with one stone :thumbs-up: