Full Version: Arpi you piece of crap
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Ladi assured me in a PM she would allow me to have her if I drive you off the board......

You are dead to me.....

Just cause I want what so many before me have already sampled.
I wanna do it in a Starbucks :bouncer:
So if he logs off for about 2 minutes you'll be aight then?
because i dont want to be a part of your dick turning black and falling off, i must defy you and stay.
I think its time the two of you spent some time alone together.
what part of dead don't you get DIG,
I am dropping him harder than you were dumped by Goodlybillionaire.

I will run him from the board

all so that I may give Ladi some of my Latte
Quote:because i dont want to be a part of your dick turning black and falling off
new and original! everytime! hot Damn you're clever :thumbs-up:
Godlybillionaire lives rest assured. Being the Vice President of Godly Corp, I can attest to it.
Anyone want to take bets on how long the Arpi/Ken comedy duo will last this time around?
They'll last as about as long as Iraq will.
2 days! & Arpi leaves for Spring Training! weeeeeeeee
Ken's Pen, why am i not in your Like column? Undecided

And if you hate Arpi, you should move him to your Hate column.