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exhibit A
you're so smart :thumbs-up:
the hits just keep on coming. ladi is a machine!
well, all the Short Bus posters were, after all

Smut-o-Tron 2000 :thumbs-up:
I don't understand this anymore,
and my enjoyment is diminishing.
me too :-(
Jack logged off to wait for Gonzo to explain to him why people are bitching again
why do the mods always do this,
as soon as there is a lot of posting, or anything of interest happening,
it gets squashed....

I bet AIMP is saying something funny too!
because when they are not a part of it then they assume it cant be good. jacks itchy trigger finger is one of the many reasons why this board is getting so boring.
alot of good people have stopped posting because it is getting so dull around here. too many of the same type of posters,and like you said, as soon as anything gets going the mods step in and squash it. they dont know how to mod without getting heavy handed.
don't lump everyone in the same group, i welcome anyone who tries to stimulate activity.
then why arent you saying anything about this travestie?
because jack is away on AIM
he is ruining this place, seriously. he needs to learn to back off and not feel that he has to interfere in everything. gonzo would have fueled our fire.
Mod Squad,
names change but the lunacy remains the same.
Dent's name is pink,
if I get stuck talking to him I am walking.
i am going to work, maybe jack will get his shit together and stop hiding soon.
well, I will be here amusing myself.
if you get out soon , give 'em Hell!!
if you or gonzo ain't there to read it,
I am just wasting my wit.
Right now LZ is tilting his head like the RCA dog as he tries to make sense of all the threads.
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