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midevil times!
Fine you fuckin child, just move on already.

waaa waaa waaa, are you listening to yourself?
I demand Arpi adhere to my essay suggestion
I hope you spend a week in the saddamasphere, then lets see you complain of such trivial things.
Quote:Fine you fuckin child, just move on already.

waaa waaa waaa, are you listening to yourself?
i think the question is, are you listening to me? i dont think so. :-p
I am, I did, we talked, move on.

I still love you anyway. I stuck by you through the dark years dammit. The drunken nights, the other men, the drugs. Finding you in some seedy motel, so seedy they still have B&W TV's that you have to use a wrench to switch the channels on. Laying out all naked on the bed with bruises on your knees, lips and arms. Track marks that look like the outline for a hippo just begging to be played with. I stuck by you, back when you though ken was garbage and gomez was funny... oh how dark.
Quote:midevil times!
Hear, here. :thumbs-up:
down down down, red knights goin down
i will consider this matter over if you add another line of witty repartee' to my status.
I follow wherever Hybrid goes, or where all the pussy is.
ahem! see my previous post
It's too late to be witty, I am tired.
then my tirade shall continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do it quietly, people are sleeping.
<span style='font-size:57pt;line-height:100%'>Jacks bullshit is choking this board to death. limit his powers until he learns to use them wisely.</span>
<span style='font-size:57pt;line-height:100%'>he lacks the judgment to have full mod powers. he is a buzzkill who stops any funny momentum on this board.</span>
there goes that headache again
waaa waaa waaa my joke got ruined waaa waaa waaa.

fine, you got your status you fuckin terrorist.
Pages: 1 2