:twak: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
fucking 4ft tall midget bitch, gave me a ticket
speeding has got the be the GAYEST task of cops
it's not like there was anyone on the road, cunt
"I'm surprised you take THIS way" she says, what the Hell to you care what way I drive home, cunt
stink your gun in your cunt & blow your head off, do us a favor
just because you have to work on a saturday night, what's the matter, can't get any :angry:
$78 for careless drive, keep your fucking flashlight out of my eyes :fuckoff:
is there points on this?
way to ruin a perfectly lovely night, slut :damnpc:
<marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="50">
![[Image: transam-red.gif]](http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/drowned/transam-red.gif)
$78. for a speeding ticket??? That was cheaper then the one I got years ago. :clueless:
Learn to obey the speed limit and stop complaining
Don't just pay the ticket. Set a court date to fight it and when you're there ask to speak to the prosecutor and tell him you don't want to get the points associated with it. In most cases, they'll downgrade it to another offense where you may have to pay a greater fine, but no points on your driving record. Look into it first though because I know this works for speeding tickets, but I'm not sure about a ticket for careless driving.
Quote:Don't just pay the ticket. Set a court date to fight it and when you're there ask to speak to the prosecutor and tell him you don't want to get the points associated with it.
You can take it one step further, too. Tell them you want the make and model of the speed detector )I forget what it's called at the moment) and you want to know the specs. of it's proven accuracy. :-D
It's funny that a ticket for "careless driving" is cheaper than i fucking parking ticket these days.
Say that again Pat.
I was so busy today, I had to help my grandmother move some furniture in, then I had to get the brakes checked on the car, go to work and get my schedule and check, and some other shit. I had to do this all in a 3 hour period. I go to drop off the hand truck I borrowed, I looked for a spot for 20 mins but the streets were packed.
I double park and the guys outside, I get out to hand him the hand truck, 10 seconds, not even 10 seconds. Fuckin bitch cop writes me out a ticket for $105 bucks, which I dont fuckin have!!!
![[Image: m_donate.gif]](http://www.cdih.net/non-cgi/Skin/SKIN-3/images/m_donate.gif)
Try getting hit for 2 of those $105 tickets in less than 2 weeks.....$210 that I don't have
I got a 205 dollar speeding ticket for driving 78 MPH on the largest highway in Masschusetts.
I have driven that stretch of road every weekday for the last four years, and never knew that the speed limit was 55 for a few miles. It's 65 everywhere else. I just never paid attention to the stupid signs.
Ladi should used an emoticon on her, it woulda annoyed her to the point she would just leave.
"Colon.. Sad face... Colon."
"Nothing, officer."
"Um... are you okay?"
"Colon... Fuggin... Colon."
"What the f... Just get out of here."
"Colon... Thumbs-up... Colon."
if you added the :giggle: followed by HA HA!! it woulda been worthy for the final Oscar ™ of the night.
I gotta try that next time.
Edited By Danked on 1048481531
For a minute, I thought I had overcome the mod/admin curse and become funny again.
Then you editted.
colon... sad face colon...
colon buck up camper colon
What's that? You want me to BUCK you?
Get it? Wait...
Colon... disappointed... colon.