Full Version: have we really gotten this lazy? - frozen pb&j?????????
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so, i just saw this commercial for smuckers crustless pb&j that you can keep in your freezer. does it take so much time to make a friggin peanut butter and jelly sandwich that we need a machine to make them for us then pay probably 10 times the cost of it just for this little convenience?

and on the news they're talking about an information booklet instructing residents near a power plant (indian point?) on what to do in an emergency. and what's the newsworthy travesty you may ask? many of the residents found it to be unreadable. a printing problem perhaps? the pages got screwed up and it came out in gibberish? nooooooo, what's the big problem? it's in english. what horror, i'm shocked and apalled, how could they possibly think that publishing this material in english would be so wrong. they of course must instantly go back and spend more money publishing it in spanish, french creole??? and a variety of other languages just to keep all these people who came here happy... ugh it pisses me off.

i think that's all for now, but you know there's plenty more examples of pathetic laziness just lurking around the corner...
sometimes I'm too busy to buy bread.

Frozen PBJ would good
well, i see you're too lazy to proof read your posts or you might've slipped a be in there
stouffers frozen mac and cheese is the bestest. i <3 it
You're just upset because you're life is not turning out how you hoped.
nah, i never had very high hopes, it's going ok
you're just upset because you have no motivation and realize you will die broke and alone
so, i just saw this commercial for smuckers crustless pb&j that you can keep in your freezer. does it take so much time to make a friggin peanut butter and jelly sandwich that we need a machine to make them for us then pay probably 10 times the cost of it just for this little convenience?

it doesn't take that much time to make it but you have to wait forever for it to freeze.
I been saying this for years, all those school budget cuts are finally coming to fruitition. People are dumb and useless, the world henceforth much dumb itself down. You could believe the whole "We're a society on the go and need things fast". But thats just a lie to hide the truth that people are not only dumb but lazy.

I seen these sandwiches at the 7-11, Danked was there as well. It was a sad sight to behold.
Quote:you're just upset because you have no motivation and realize you will die broke and alone
Damn. ya got me
Wouldn't it take longer to defrost these sandwiches than to make one from scratch?
there would be less clean up involved. you know how hard putting jars away and washing knives and such can be

Edited By HedCold on 1048551487
that's what microwaves are fer
Don't you realize that they have to make everything easy now? That's because we have to prepare for the future filled with DUMB, LAZY kids who have learned nothing in school except what they need to know for a test, and know nothing about life except for video games. They're not taught anything useful in everyday life. Make a sandwich? Hell will make it for me. Wow, I can get them frozen now? Cool, now I don't have to bother to get off my lazy ass and do anything for myself. You mean I don't even have to learn the language? They'll print it for me in my native language. This country is great.

What a swell world.
Quote:Wouldn't it take longer to defrost these sandwiches than to make one from scratch?

i think you would eat them frozen. have you ever had a frozen pb and j, fucking delicious. make one now and throw it in the freezer and eat it tommorrow. you'll be thanking me.
If you had any balls or a voice in the relationship, you'd have your g/f make you one.
I bet if he asked she'd lock him in a closet
Quote:If you had any balls or a voice in the relationship, you'd have your g/f make you one.
i'm not a big fan of pb&j. i mean i like it, but i can go without it
Did your gf tell you to type that?
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