Full Version: Fear Factor - ...with Miss America contestants...
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...i must say, after only a couple minutes of this, i'm already convinced that this is how the actual Miss America Contest should be judged...
i'm guessing this would be the swimsuit competition.
:thumbs-up: bingo!!!!
...this could quite possible be one of the greatest things on TV ever... :bouncer:

Miss America Contestants in bikinis... diving into a pool filled with 5000 lbs of fish scales... so they can find a thermos filled with fermented squid ... then drink/eat it... :lol: ...Damn, this is entertaining...
I hope one of them gets shot with a sniper rifle.
:firebounce: yeah.... yeah.....
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Did anyone watch the actual pageant to know if one of those girls won it? I watched the fear factor, it was quite entertaining.