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everyone double post. So Ladi doesn't feel so alone.
everyone double post. So Ladi doesn't feel so alone.
I don't know how.
I don't know how...unless I wait 30 seconds
okey dokey!
but then someone might jump in between my posts...
okey dokey
Quote:unless I wait 30 seconds
Quote:unless I wait 30 seconds

galt brings up a good point
let me see if I can't get this to work...
Pfffft.... I can do it no problem.
let me see if I can't get this to work...
Pfffft.... I can do it no problem.
Damn it.... guess I can't. Undecided
Danked you've got Teh Skillz...Ladi is a Natural...I just can't do it...
Damn it.... guess I can't. Undecided
I will do this Damn it!
Quote:Damn it.... guess I can't. Undecided
Quote:Damn it.... guess I can't. Undecided
Pages: 1 2 3 4