Full Version: Be still my heart... - Do my eyes deceive me?
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or has fair Weird logged on?!?
No, that's probably just angina.
pay him no mind.
pen, you are a scary scary man

Edited By NaughtyAngel on 1048706954
I think that edit was superflous,
everyone knew you meant me....
now be careful, or my girlfriend will beat the crap out of you.
unlike you, i have met your girlfriend and i think she is quite fond of me
you met her?!?


does she smell of honeysuckle? In my mind she smells like honeysuckle.
yes she does...

in fact, i think i love her too
is she fond of you or is she "fond" of you?
when finally we meet,
and we do the nasty,
I am going to call her "Danked's Sister" while we are in the throes of passion.

mmmmmmm Danked's sister,
ahhhh yeah,
ron, i hope she is as in love with me as i am in her...
I find this all very disturbing.
i think danked is just jealous that i dont love him as much as i love weird
don't try to make this about you......
don't forget to call her Weird NJ in the middle also..
Are you going to say NJ or spell it out and say New Jersey?
(ie. Weird NJ or Weird New Jersey)

Also, make sure you say "sister". it might be alittle odd if you didn't say that part.
ok im going to meet weird for lunch...see you all in a few more months
I think Amy has a better chance with Weird than Ken does. She knows nothing about him.

Amy has been to the movies with Weird at least.
Trust me Danked,

I would be MUCH more disturbed if I start screaming out her real name,

I might lose my erection.
Ah yes.... Morgan. :lol:
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