Full Version: Sup Hybrid?
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Pages: 1 2
I'm bored, how about you d00d?
same. just got back from running. its raining and my socks are wet. :-(
You gellin?
gellin like a felon
Jack is so not gellin

Am I right?
definitely not gellin
You gellin

I'm chillin like a villain

Life is good
im kinda hungry
Cup o Noodles muh fuckah
all out. im gonna go to the food court in the rain. Confusedigh:
You already used up all your bonus bucks didn't you?
meal plan brah
hey gelling.
Yeah but if you had your bucks couldn't you have ordered chinese?
:lookatme: hey homiez!!!!
i have flex bucks again, they get refilled every semester. i dont want chinese. :-X
um.... i said hey... Rolleyes
So you gonna mack some bitches at the Cafeteria?
This thread sucks!
Pages: 1 2