Full Version: I live on the edge
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I never send error reports when programs perform illegal operations

I'm fucking edgy mahn
miss Arpi?
I just did it again and my computer grunted at me

I think it might try to kill me in my sleep
I hope it's not in cahoots with your George Foreman grill. :lol:
I don't like the look of that lamp either
uh alarm clocks around, right? i hear they can be pretty crafty.
Stop patronizing me, this is a life or death situation
sounds like a scuzzi problem.
I swear the dvd drive just tried to eat my finger
Rolleyes Damn.... i miss the real arpi...
I bet Arpi would sympathize with my problem and not crack bad jokes
you're correct... arpi would be funny...

you, on the other hand, are not... Rolleyes
and all my threads are meaningless.

ill remember this.

oh come on i tease.

Ok, maybe not
:high five:
This is a good thread people!!!!

[Image: triumph.jpg]

I constantly get errors, I get an error when i turn on my comp every single time. I just click ok to whatever it says and move on, your edge I broke ages ago, poser.
My edge is as sharp as the tip of your needle dick
and you mock ronins humor?
Don't even try to convince me that you laughed at that lame Triumph gag
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