anything you say is meaningless for hating clerks so much.
This is a great thread but time to start a new one. I won't lock it up since it is Ikea's thread just reminding the rule of locking a thread past 500 posts.
Just finished watching Spiderman, can I just say how much I love this film. I was expecting a lot from the movie, especially after the 100+ million opening weekend. I got it and then some, holy shit what a flm. I must admit I hated the idea of Toby playing Spidey but I was amazed at how well he pulled it off, the emotions he got you to feel, his laughter, pain and agony was p[henominal. The entire cast was great and trully the effects were amazing. I thought the CGI might have been overdone but it is a super-hero so it all looked great.
Also it is a fast paced movie and reminded me a lot of the 1st superman storywise on how well it moved, yet it was even faster paced than Superman. It's all here, great acting, visually stuning, great story (which is followed almost trully to the comic book). Plus it's not just some action flick with cool effects it trully is a great story as well.