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I saw Office Space last night since I am the Milton of my office Sad and I also watched Full Metal Jacket this it just me or does the movie taper off after boot camp?

I rented The War Zone before, but didn't watch it yet...anyone see it?
war zone's that tim roth directed flick right?
Yea...the one about the incest....I wanted to see it when it was in the theaters, but none of my friends are really into films like that.
Black Christmas- little horror movie with John Saxon from 78 I beleive. Good, creepy, and it has one of those moments that you hear copied so many times but have no idea where it comes from.
The Producers, Mel Brooks, classic.
watched xmen on saturday night... and three episodes of the sopranos second season.

oh, anyone know when season 3 will be on hbo so i can get caught up?
I just watched Orange County. I thought it was ok, it kind of petered out towards the end but I thought the beginning was pretty funny and Jack Black, as always, rules
woo was on CC today...i watched that.IT SUCKED
I just watched Drop Dead Fred for the 60th time. And it still makes me laugh so damn hard.
Black Hawk Down - See review in Slash's thread.
last movie i saw in the theatre was "lord of the rings", last movie i saw on dvd was "pitch black" :real good:
yeah, i just saw pitch black, vin diesel seemed so cool. fast and furious seemed so dissappointing...
vin diesel was the best in Boiler Room, one of the greatest and most underrated movies of all time!
I agree sleeper, Boiler Room was great. But the trailors made it seem like Ben Affleck was in it so much, when he really only had a few scenes. But the speeches he made to them were totally awesome.
Quote:But the trailors made it seem like Ben Affleck was in it so much, when he really only had a few scenes.

How is that a bad thing? Isn't less Affleck=more gooder?
Boiler Room kicked ass. I thought the ending was a bit weak but the rest of the movie was very awesome. Ben Affleck was in it littler than I expected but he had a great role, like Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. eOne of my favorite parts of the movie is when he yells at the kid for sitting in his chair and never uses the chair once during the entire scene. I don't know why I liked that, I just did.

Oh and Jurassic Park III, it was on campus cable and I had nothing to do. It was totalyl bad, the big climax is finding acell phone in dino doo.
The Sleeper Wrote:vin diesel was the best in Boiler Room, one of the greatest and most underrated movies of all time!
i haven't seen that, has it been on tv yet?
I think it was in the movie theaters in the summer of 2000, so If it hasn't been on tv yet trish, it will be soon.
Boiler Room's b een on cable definitely
vin diesles in that right?
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