Full Version: I'm gonna go now...
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I am gonna have lunch and I shall pretend ken is there. I am all alone here :-( .

I'll set a place for ken and have fun talking to him, while in reality it will just be an empty chair.

I'd invite Jack over but he's been rather cold to me, he had the medicine for my illness and refused to share it.
It's OK gonzo,
right now I am Masterbating, while pretending Morgan, (Danked's Sister)
is here with me.
i'm not getting lunch today :-(
You can come too GW, I am having egg salad and some freedom fries.
mmmmm donuts...
Quote:right now I am Masterbating
:loveya: Send pictures please. :loveya:
cause it worked out so well for Froy.
yeah, a lunch thread. maynard is gonna be mad he didn't start this one...taco salad here go me
OK I sent a couple pictures,
not the actual "money shot" but I hope she likes them just the same.
mmmm american cheese & whitebread
i met aaron williams on my lunch break :thumbs-up: