Full Version: Pure Evil
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Pages: 1 2
The well meaning, even tempered, easy going Jack... well, that Jack unfortunately, as of today... is dead.

Hear me well, as of today a new Jack is born. A Jack who, for lack of a better phrase, is pure evil.
I like it. :loveya:
What difference does it make?
Shut up.
So then, Arpi was right?
Well, Buttmunch... by embodying pure evil as he now does... he... well, he...

Good question.
He locked my thread.

That's fuckin' evil. :disappointed:
I always wondered what it would be like to have JAYMOHRBUDDY as an admin! :thumbs-up:
Who's Jack? :-p
Evil personified.

I'm outta here then... I's ascared.
Jack's a mexican pizza delivery boy?
Hey Jack, can I borrow 5 bucks?
speaking of pure evil,
I saw Sluggo at the door's board yesterday.
[Image: tvscandals_tatoo_010509_et-publlicity.jpg]
Jack = Tattoo?
buttmuch always put fear in me when he held a position of power. jack doesn't give me that feeling...
Nobody tells me "FU" :-( Confusedniffle:
No respect. :disappointed:
Pages: 1 2