Full Version: The I don't care thread
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I don't care how you feel right now

I don't care what posting in this thread will do to me

I don't care if you are perfect

I don't care if you are going to go now

and I definetly don't care if you are gangster
shut up hippie.
I don't care about Gonzo's post
I haven't been caring about your posts for quite some time.
I don't care that BM just tried to insult me
The hippie is all angry cause he can't post in the stoner forum.
I don't care about the Stoner Forum

I was the first person in weeks to make it the least bit interesting
While he may say he is a ganster, I'd tend to believe he is merely a wankster
How do you create interest with predicatble shit that's already been done?

Only G W Bush can pull that off.
Look at the flurry of activity last night

Who created that?

It was I
I don't care that you don't care.
Ronin is not worth not caring about
just a minute too slow Lyrical X. just a minute too slow. You'll get me next time.
Ronin is not worth the rolleyes smiley
nice try, but this thread lacks the necessary sleeper-esque teen angst.
sleeper is so angsty. its not healthy.
I don't care about Sleeper
Do you not care that you're gay?
Worst Thread ever!
i like the retarded kid, he's endearing in a retarded way.
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