Full Version: My oatmeals been sabotaged - colon sadface colon
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[Image: microwave.gif]
Quote:my dog licked up every drop off the floor, she loves that shit.

then have her lick up the oatmeal silly
I don't understand why the microwave was set with enough time to let the oatmeal explode. And why were you making oatmeal in a microwave anyhow?
you can make oatmeal without a microwave?
i hate oatmeal
I'm sure you can make just about anything in a microwave, but i've honestly never made oatmeal in one. I've always boiled water in a teapot and poured it into the bowl that I emptied the contents of the packet into.
I think you can make the "quick oats" type of oatmeal (in the canister) in the microwave. I just use the packets. We have a water thingy at work and it has piping hot water, so I don't even have to wait for water to boil.
I've never used the canister oatmeal, just the packets. Who needs to be bothered measuring out the right amount when you can buy it pre-measured?
Exactly! :thumbs-up:
I make my maid make oatmeal for me. I can't be bothered to find out how she does it.
it's only 800.
The oatmeal is solid gold and contains not raisins, but emeralds, rubies, and diamonds.
it ain't nothin but a thang.
I employ two sick and starving little Guatemalen boys with no shoes to spoonfeed it to me.
Damn, that's better than my eating the oatmeal with my "family" of eggplants. All I got is my bitch of a mother who won't do shit, I gotta take a whip to the whore.
Only the finest things in life for me.
Wanna fly down to canada real quick for some maple syrup for our oatmeal?

You fly up to Canada!

I'll have my chauffeur scoot us to the airport immediately.
You drive down to the airport, i'll have the jet lift off from the front lawn.
Now I'm jealous.

I want a runway! I want a runway now!
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