Full Version: For crimes against my sister... - 2 Tired
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Shame on you.
Fuck all yall. Danked you are no better than any of them. I give up. I thought this place was cool. I guess not. I won't be coming back. Goodbye.
Who the Hell hacked my account and put that foul thing in my sig!
My eyes!!!! My eyes!!!

I must avert them.
I got rid of that,
that, thing that was besmirching my beloved.
I'm innocent I tell you!
Now look what you two have done.

She's gone.
a void in my heart just appeared.

Edited By 2 tired 2 give N F on 1048885257
I hope you two are proud of yourselves.

She's not answering her phone.
she's not suicidal, is she? I hope not Undecided
She wasn't.

But God help you two if it turns out she is.
I feel horrible
[Image: Dippie.gif]
She's logged in thankfully.

But she's not answering my PMs.
She shouldn't take herself so seriously...I mean really "it's only a message board"
So the Stupid Twat couldn't take a what? :burnfucker:
Now my finder is floating above the delete member button.

We don't do that here, but I'm blinded by rage.
Finger stoner boy...finger...say now FINGER!...Like what kenny boy wanted to do to your sis...FINGER!
i would tread lightly, you haven't seen the wrath of danked under these types of circumstances. he can be one ruthless son of a bitch.
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