Full Version: Just like to give my blessings...
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It's a modern world and with that there's room for modern ideas. I accept your love for each other and although I can't speak for the rest of CDIH, I just want to say that I will not look down on you or ridicule you for your lifestyle decisions. Ken, I hope you and my brother are very happy together.
did this really need its own thread. :disappointed:

ohhhhhhh....... fags!
but seriously,
who IS the chick?
Quote:did this really need its own thread.
I'm generally anti-violent ... but you're enough to drive me to be a nazi

just so you know :thumbs-up:
maybe the chick is his brother.. trannie maybe?
Quote:I'm generally anti-violent ... but you're enough to drive me to be a nazi
wow! ladi didnt get it. what a surprise!
Ladiz gonna beat Arpi up
she might bore me to death
flamingfish has a few toys with Arpi's name on them.
maybe a tire iron
I wonder if a head would break open like a cantelope

stabbing seems too upclose & personal
I might cut myself
Quote:I might cut myself
if you are as empty as your posts then you have nothin gto fear.
zing Rolleyes
another one word empty are en fuego today.
Yippie. Arpi is back and now my life is complete.
maybe you are a chick Undecided
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

Quote:maybe you are a chick
It scares me how many people think that. :crackhead:
that contributed alot. you are an idiot.
Arpi realizes that while he is joking, he will get fucked up if he ever comes out. I will never get the honor of meeting him now :-(
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