GodIheads Lament (11:07:57 PM):
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GodIheads Lament (11:07:59 PM): post plz
GodIheads Lament (11:15:49 PM): dammit, I was robbed
hybridescapeplan (11:16:04 PM): ?
GodIheads Lament (11:16:12 PM): I'm banned again
GodIheads Lament (11:16:16 PM): I'm going to fight this
hybridescapeplan (11:16:43 PM): haha
GodIheads Lament (11:17:58 PM): I must use this anger
GodIheads Lament (11:18:00 PM): to annoy
GodIheads Lament (11:24:14 PM): it would be most excellent if you turned against Danked
hybridescapeplan (11:24:21 PM): never
GodIheads Lament (11:24:26 PM): he called you a fag
hybridescapeplan (11:24:35 PM): oh well
GodIheads Lament (11:24:59 PM): and he said Thursday is the worst band in the history of the world
GodIheads Lament (11:25:10 PM): he claimed he could do a better job playing the guitar with his ass
GodIheads Lament (11:27:08 PM): are you going to stand for such slander?
hybridescapeplan (11:27:30 PM): yea
GodIheads Lament (11:27:42 PM): he said you would
GodIheads Lament (11:27:48 PM): he said you have no backbone
GodIheads Lament (11:27:57 PM): and that you will never be as good a flunkie as I
GodIheads Lament (11:29:09 PM): He also said your buddy icon was garbage
hybridescapeplan (11:29:56 PM): k