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You have ten minutes starting.............. now.
Ten minutes is not enough, this is rigged I tell you
Tick tock.
It's fixed

I never had a chance
There was more activity in that forum when I was there than in the pit
Sure you had a chance.

You had ten whole minutes.
can you lock him in the stoner forum?
Was there or was there not more activity in the Stoner Forum during that last ten minutes compared to the Pit?

You never were going to let me back in

This is a disgrace

I will now set out to turn your flunkie against you
Did you post any Lebowski quotes while you were down there?
That would have been a cheap attempt at garnering posts

I have already won, there was more activity in the Stoner Forum than in the Pit

You have been shown up and are locking me out to save face.
Quote:Was there or was there not more activity in the Stoner Forum during that last ten minutes compared to the Pit?
Didn't care enough to check.

Quote:You never were going to let me back in
I just did.

Quote:I will now set out to turn your flunkie against you
Have fun.
GodIheads Lament: it would be most excellent if you turned against Danked
hybridescapeplan: never
sure there was more activity, it was all you...
Now you are just posting fake convos, for shame
Quote:sure there was more activity, it was all you...

The only posts in the pit during that time were from Danked and I

Hedcold, Danked and Hybrid all posted in the stoner forum

I have won yet again
You're silly.
I have torn your flunkie to shreds, behold my masterpiece

GodIheads Lament: he said you would
GodIheads Lament: he said you have no backbone
GodIheads Lament: and that you will never be as good a flunkie as I
GodIheads Lament: He also said your buddy icon was garbage
hybridescapeplan: k
hybridescapeplan: You are the greatest
GodIheads Lament (11:07:57 PM): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";t=6376">;t=6376</a><!-- m -->
GodIheads Lament (11:07:59 PM): post plz
GodIheads Lament (11:15:49 PM): dammit, I was robbed
hybridescapeplan (11:16:04 PM): ?
GodIheads Lament (11:16:12 PM): I'm banned again
GodIheads Lament (11:16:16 PM): I'm going to fight this
hybridescapeplan (11:16:43 PM): haha
GodIheads Lament (11:17:58 PM): I must use this anger
GodIheads Lament (11:18:00 PM): to annoy
GodIheads Lament (11:24:14 PM): it would be most excellent if you turned against Danked
hybridescapeplan (11:24:21 PM): never
GodIheads Lament (11:24:26 PM): he called you a fag
hybridescapeplan (11:24:35 PM): oh well
GodIheads Lament (11:24:59 PM): and he said Thursday is the worst band in the history of the world
GodIheads Lament (11:25:10 PM): he claimed he could do a better job playing the guitar with his ass
GodIheads Lament (11:27:08 PM): are you going to stand for such slander?
hybridescapeplan (11:27:30 PM): yea
GodIheads Lament (11:27:42 PM): he said you would
GodIheads Lament (11:27:48 PM): he said you have no backbone
GodIheads Lament (11:27:57 PM): and that you will never be as good a flunkie as I
GodIheads Lament (11:29:09 PM): He also said your buddy icon was garbage
hybridescapeplan (11:29:56 PM): k
Stop doctoring these convos

[Image: hybridconvo.jpg]
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