Full Version: Density of Lead.... - piece 'o crap posters....
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no, it would be dull
Why is that? When you do it, you deem it to be fresh, witty, exciting. Shouldn't we all try to be more like you?
too bad that plane is still over your head

you prove my pointr eloquently

That point being that you are intellectually challenged and can't comprehend 99% of what goes on around here. Good for you.....accepting that you have a problem is the first step on your road to recovery :thumbs-up:

Ken's sister's favorite position is ::doggy-style::
Quote:Why is that? When you do it, you deem it to be fresh, witty, exciting.
you just dont get it, and you never wil. i cant believe that you arent embarrassed at how every joke on this board goes over your head.
Must be because I'm a special kind of stupid.
Quote:you just dont get it, and you never wil. i cant believe that you arent embarrassed at how every joke on this board goes over your head.
Aren't you listening to yourselves? Arpi you just said the same shit that Metal said...I expected better of you...
Quote:grow the fuck up please..........

who are you to judge the quality of my posts? just like you , ken, i post for my amusement and mine alone.(i know you're gonna say "simple things for simple minds" or something to that effect)

you really are sad.........

are you still mad because i claimed that your mother choked to death on my cock? i know that that was a nasty comment to make and i even apologized to you yet you still have to constantly try to agitate me or was it my heisman trophy comments?

i haven't mentioned those 2 "zingers" in quite sometime because i figured all of that was behind us but it's obviously not.

you need to grow up just a bit and try to stay away from your PC. stick to making your little MS paint pictures....i actually enjoyed your talent when you were doing that.

am i angry? no.....i'm just tired of all of this petty bullshit

I am now going to redouble my efforts to make LZ cry himself to sleep every night.
My dogs ass smells like shit.
Better her ass than her face
She licks her ass constantly
Quote:She licks her ass constantly
..jealous, huh :clueless:
My dogs lick each other's asses. :crackhead:
sweets, lotta times pets mimick behavior they see.....
If my dog had an eclair up its ass we'd be soul mates.
Quote:sweets, lotta times pets mimick behavior they see
Guess I should be more careful, huh?
and arpi said you're useless, I beg to differ now and my opinion is much more valuable than arpi's.
look at Mr. "Seven Votes" blowin his own horn.
now he never has to leave the house :blow:
If I could blow my own horn I wouldn't waste my time coddling these whores egos.
mistah sweet talkin pimp hand.
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