Full Version: Michael Moore, beating a dead horse?
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Quote:Michael Moore's next project is guaranteed to be controversial. “I’m making a film called Fahrenheit 911, the temperature at which freedom burns. It’ll be about how Bush is using 9/11 and those 3,000 lost lives as an excuse to move along his own conservative agenda.”

You know, I would have probably applauded him for trying something so risky and controversial, but now after his ignorant outburst at The Oscars, I think this guy's beating down a dead horse, trying whatever he can to gain attention towards himself and boosting his celebrity status in Hollywood.
This guy is a pathetic Asshole.
I used to actually like the guy a lot and felt he had some great insights. But thats when he was taking on major corporations and such, now he is trying to go mainstream and he's losing his steam.
His agenda now is going after George Bush.
Almost every "political" commentator who thinks they are so controversial is doing so. The guy is pretty shady but what president hasn't been? If this country wasnt so caught up in crucifying clinton for a blow job then maybe things would have been different. Just let the poor schlub do his job, he's in office theres nothing you can do now. He's just more of a target because of who his father is, because he is not a great orator and because he just comes off as a schmuck.
praising is boring and solves nothing. i'd prefer to listen to what he thinks, even if he might be totally offbase and self-serving. its got to be better than 90% of the horseshit hollywood serves up. if there wasn't a michael moore we would have invented one.
Quote:if there wasn't a michael moore we would have invented one.

A guy with too much time on his hands who is so edgy he grabs a camera in protest of the war and comes up with wacky conspiracy theories about the goverments evil plots to further ruin america?

Yeah we need more of those, cause every wanna be film student who smokes too much pot and has a 16 mm isn't enough.

They're all just very lite and unfilling versions of Oliver Stone anyway.
Why doesn't he just call it Fahrenheit 452 part deux or something clever like that?
I missed you so much :4:
:17: Proves my point ive been sayin for a long time, that innovative ideas for movies has run out , and its time to just give up...
I bet you were all alone when you said that.
Quote:I missed you so much

Missed you too snookums

And now I'm in the mood to watch that movie again, dammit now I have to dig through my closet, I hate doing that.
you in the closet, there is a gay joke there waiting to be unwrapped by salsa boys genius mind.
The question is

Will it be tomorrow or next week?

I'm taking bets
reasons y the creativity has run out, in hollywood
...chris rock as a black president...jamie kennedy as a wannabe ghetto star, vin diesel gettin sympathetic, how harry and lloyd met and another lord of the sorry but this is all we haveta look foreward to within the next year of cinema :35:
Yes another lord of the rings, ugh who can stand that shit, actually good movies, bleh.

Quote:vin diesel gettin sympathetic

Yes by killing people who kill his wife, pfft what a whiney pussy.
Thats an actual line from the movie Gomez. I hear thats the new "show me the money", it's gonna sweep across america and be rehashed adnasuem.
What's with actors thinking you have to speak in whispers to be serious?
Bruce Willis syndrome.
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