Full Version: who is stupider? - just for metalfan
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no, that was all
Time of death 11:03 am
that was the exact time that you posted. quite a coincidence. hmmmmm....
i knew you couldn't pass up an obvious joke.
curses! :-(
I think arpi is showing some pity finally.
bite your tongue.
He so let you have that one.
Like he had anything better up his sleeve. Stop worshiping false idols, shrew.
if that's not the black calling the kettle white.
Quote:Like he had anything better up his sleeve.
can't argue with that logic.
cmon you're shooting blanks. bring it on mister funney.
keyser, you're so bitter today.....did a mirror at home break, or perhaps you lost your favorite comb? it'll be ok, pal :thumbs-up:
sorry to disappoint you but all the bitterness you see today is a gag. i'm actually doing outstanding! :thumbs-up:
disappoint? :lol: now who is being I really care that much Rolleyes
you suck
you couldn't pay me enough
i cant believe this, but you actually might be worse than Ladi.
always strive to be the best I always say.....its a shame you don't hold yourself to such high standards, but the world needs second hand hacks and one-trick ponies like yourself to allow other stars to shine
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