Full Version: who is stupider? - just for metalfan
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Just for you buddy, now you can give your opinion on the matter.
I see right through this you cold hearted bastard. Confusedneak:
assumptions my friend, assumptions.
Quote:I see right through this you cold hearted bastard.

Jack, that wasn't directed at me, was it buddy? :loveya:
I honestly don't find anyone here at the present moment to be worthless, there have been people in the past who have contributed zero and been nothing but pains to read. While I think arpi is one of the best posters ever, the jokes get tired. But then again if people keep feeding the monster, I cant blame him for coming back for seconds.
I bet Galt voted in arpi's defense.
I always assumed they shared a brain
On behalf of the Galt fan club, that was uncalled for.
It was a compliment towards Galt, and an insult towards Arpi. Does that make it better?
On behalf of the Galt fan club, yes.
you are both right.
I hate people who don't get it.
some just don't find it funny
Shut up bitch, its funny.
bite me :thumbs-up:
daydreaming again, huh Ladi? Rolleyes
and like that Ladi sucks all the life out of this thread. can we get Arpi over here with the defibrilator?
:firebounce: Ha ha! I wield great & mystical powers

the people who respond are stupider. they prove my point that they dont get it and never will. it not only makes what i say true but also makes the gag funnier. ladi is my prize example of a shitty poster who will never ever get it. sweet angel is another brilliant example. her posts on this subject prove what a dunce she is. it has been delicious.
and so the fun begins!!
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