picnic in the park. my buddy deserves to be treated right
Starbucks duh!!! Then we can get a blow by blow report on the date, it'll be like joe millionare live!!
it can be like taildaters :thumbs-up:
we are not doing lunch. my flunkie might fix my lunch but he is not allowed to eat at the masters table.
so is he a flunkie or a slave?
flunkie, but an igor type flunkie.
sleeper understands me so well.
I am of the opinion that society would benefit if we all became lords and vassals again.
i prefer the buddy system
Quote:Where should we go
To H. E. Double Hockey Sticks.
personally i'd go for the sizzler, i'd strap on my big yellow rain slicker and put on my goggles and gloves, then settle in for some all you can eat BBQ ribs
can you smell the white trash dripping off of me,.... well can ya? :toast: