Full Version: Piper's Pitt
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well i just saw that Rowdy Roddy will be having a Pitt next week on smackdown. i know i don't really watch that much wrestling anymore, but i think i just might have to tune in to this little gem
I'll watch it...always entertaining
Friggin UPN-Atlanta decided it'd be better to show the Hawks play the Wizards than to show Smackdown...fuckers...
Can they please bring back Jimmy Snuka one more time just so Piper can smash another coconut over his head? :-D
Rowdy Roddy was always my favorite.
This is vintage Piper, never know what the fuck he is going to do, but when Rikishi walked out with the coconut I fucking lost it.

But now I'm certain of it, Piper and Hogan will fight so Hogan can beat the man who still has clean wins over him.
[Image: tlbanner.jpg]

Greastest movie that ever was. :18:
I am here to chew bubble gum and kick ass....and I'm all out of gum