well, thanks for that fucking newsflash :23:
I say we start a pool on how long she lasts without the drugs...
i got 50 bucks that says she''ll go 2 and a half minutes before she demands an epidural
I bet the first time she puts the death grip on his hand he cries for an epidural :rofl:
So where's the kid? :clueless:
MOnday morning. They start inducing her late sunday night/early monday morning.
Ok I've got 5 min before she takes the drugs...any other takers???
I hope she doesn't get her personality from you.
it'll be an exact copy of TW's personality
forget the drugs, just get her a bottle of jack daniels.
You people shouldn't be allowed to have children
Oooooo, that was fresh and witty. Where do you come up with those zingers?
The disappointed emoticon cannot express the shame I now feel for you
I hope Jack can find the ::you're a putz:: emoticon just so I can share it with you.

Um, it's been awhile, but don't they give you a certain timeframe when you can get the epidural? Isn't there a point when it's too late (like when the pain is really bad)? I say screw the heroics...go for the drugs immediately.
LZ has got to be the coolest dad, seriously think about it.