Full Version: remember the old smileys!
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those poor fella's are getting no clicks with the emergence of the new ones. lets all show them we still care
:rofl: <---genius!
:bouncer: :firebounce: Confusedmokey: <---who doesn't get mesmerized by those
:thumbs-up: <---my personal favorite
:banana: <--- no comment needed

keep them remembered!
:21: NEW SMILEYS RULE!!!!!!!!!
Hey I used Undecided in the last hour.
old smileys forever!~!!1@#!@#@!$!$! :fart: :fart: :fart:
ok that one is better than :-p
:32: <--best smiley since ever
:5: we used to have a better smaller smiley like that. gone but not forgotten <3
OLDE SMILIES ROOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bouncer:
don't forget.... :crackhead: Confusedneak: :clueless: :blow: :fucking:
:39: <---- owns you
:fuckoff: Confuseduicide: classics....
:fuggin: <---still the best emoticon
[Image: hitler3.gif] <--- Rules all!
let's not get carried away... Rolleyes
Pages: 1 2