The neighbor above me and the neighbor next door have very bass heavy stereo systems and have a peculiar fondness for playing them extremely loud. Now, I'm not the quitest neighbor, and I don't wanna be a dick. But, when my desk is vibrating from the music next door, I think it's a bit much.
My quandary is, do I just put up with it, at the risk of not being the nagging neighbor? Or, do I just go over and ask them to lower the volume a bit?
Personally, I would appreciate and respect someone coming to my door to ask me to turn down my music as opposed to calling apt. mgmt. or po-po.
How would you handle it/react to it?
i liked it better when you didnt post. stop being such a fucking pussy and go complain. you fucking woman
Burn a cd of music you like
Save on electric
The problem is, if I complain I am then the person that I hate. I don't wanna be "that guy that complains about everything". They usually don't play the music loudly for that long, so it's only mildly annoying. Also, they don't do it late at night or early in the morning. They just do it when I'm trying to work, watch a movie or concentrate on my plot to eliminate the stoopidity that is arpi. So I think I'll let it go until it's no longer tolerable.
BTW arpi, if you ignore my posts, it will be like I am still not posting.
so.....they dont do it late at night or early in the morning....and they dont do it for long.......basically they do nothing wrong. leave them alone.
That's pretty much what I thought. It's really loud and intrusive, but it's not keeping me from sleeping... so I'm letting it slide. The longest I've had to suffer through it is like an hour... not the end of the world.
If it gets real bad...just call upstairs or go up and just be cool about it...ask nice...I mean that's what I do when some guy down the hall has his up too don't have to be a DICK about it...
Hey, you pay to live there right? Then you have every Damn right to speak your mind and live in peace.
Sure, they have a right to live how they want as well, but there is a thing called common fucking courtesy and from the sound of it, your neighbors don't take that into consideration.
I'd bitch about it if I were you.
I think Spitfire posted something along these lines not too long ago, but she was the one playing the music and getting complained about. Either way, when you rent you are paying for the living space within which you live. Common courtesy says to be respectful of your neighbors and surroundings, but thats courtesy - not law (unless you live in one of those places where they actually say "no loud noises after 9PM", etc.).
If it's not really bothering you, I wouldn't do anything - if it gets to the point of being an annoyance, you might want to try the nice-guy approach and talk to them. If that doesn't work, kill their dog.
When I was in Iraq last month, my commanders were playing their Howitzers really loud and keeping me from praying to Mecca.
My solution was to roll a few grenades under their command tent and then shoot the bastards that I didn't get with the grenades as they came running out.
You could try that.
Of course, I was shot in the leg and at best I'll spend the rest of my life in the brig, but hey, it's an idea.
Quote:When I was in Iraq last month, my commanders were playing their Howitzers really loud and keeping me from praying to Mecca.

then he made his speedy escape in his SPACESHIP!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHHHHHAHAHAHAH
go's. there i spared you a post.
have you considered buying a house?
If your neighbors are white, just knock on their door and tell them you are their neighbor and would appreciate if they turned down the music just a tad. They'll either move or be too scared to play their music too loud ever again.
Or what I would do is just play my music just as loud and not give a fuck, everyone here plays their music too loud.
Quote:So I think I'll let it go until it's no longer tolerable.