Full Version: post something you like here - and i will tell you it sucks!
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Quote:sucks cause idiots like you use it rather than create you rown funney
funny, i was thinking the same thing... :23:
Galt sucks because he has been around too much. it is like he only has so much funny at one time so if he shows up once a month for a day or two, then he is brilliant. but if he hangs around alot , like lately, then he runs out of funney and doesnt have time to recharge. that when he sucks.
That was jealousy speaking.
i like this topic...
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chris rock said it best...cornbread, aint nothing wrong with that :11:
pickled something or other that apri really enjoys, maybe herring. i bet he will say it runs out too quickly.
pickled onions
It was bad enough when Jack dragged that cobweb infested joke out here 2 weeks ago, you two really should know better.
Arpi wouldn't say something bad about me

Would he? :24:
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