Full Version: Jeff left his computer on
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I have no idea what this website is or why he was on it, but just went to the bathroom

I am taking control of his computer. Now I am going to send off color emails.

Don't tell him, k?
do you like the red sox too?
if this is real i am a happy man
i think this is the thread galt wants us to say bad things about him in

he is soooooo gay
haha Jeff is getting clowned by his roomie

Don't turn your computer on and realize you quickly have to take a shit before your 3:30 class. When I find out who did this, I will kill them.

If it is a guy, I will mock him mercilessly for actually typing "k"
whoever did this talks exactly like you and formats their sentences neatly like you too.
so they are educated?

OK, thanks for helping Sherlock. That narrows my search down.
i think it was him all along. for shame!
who is jeff?
I am. Nice to meet you Anthony.
jeff is such a nerdy name
Anthony's not here right now, but if you'd like to leave a message I'd be happy to forward it to his new address.