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So who was the guy who put this gem in there...

Quote:I'm not aloud to start any more threads.

Was the use of aloud instead of allowed done on purpose?
i hate you
Yes because of a thread I started mispelled.
Ah...makes sense now...carry on...
I still haven't left the cdih chat room!
You want a medal?
sure, and in my status I want it to Also say "I like wal-mart chicken"!
Publix Chicken > Wal-mart chicken...
baker do you go to school?
yeah and why?
i am beginning to sorta like Baker, I can't explain it and it will probably not last long, but yea.
I was going to post :39: but decided it might ruin it.
wow that made laugh...out loud! You are officially better than Jack, and quickly moving up in the ranks :thumbs-up:
Quote:I have ADD. It is very hard for me to sp..
WHOA.. Look at that toothpick.

Its WHOA look at the kitty!
Quote:baker do you go to school?

I'm still a little clueless to what you implied by that comment.
why are you home right now and not in school is what i got out of it
He dropped out to make time for his message board.
Do you really need a High School diploma to work at WalMart?
Spring Break.

I am going nuts. Thank god he went to his moms today.