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Pages: 1 2 3
I don't find Gibzi funny at all.

It's my keyboard, I swear. :-(
Maybe your keyboard is conspiring to make you look stupid?
Damn keyboard.
Your keyboard is funnier than you.
So we really gave funniest poster to the wrong person?
Dankeds Keyboard was robbed of it's just due.
I'm obsolete. :-(
someone has to work the mouse and click the post button.
Danked is to his keyboard as Ken is to board women...

Neither can touch...
I tried...there was a joke there...I obdviously didn't find it... :29:
hey the only pic i've been asking for is dru's tits. is that so wrong?
Considering you do it in every second thread

[quote]hey the only pic i've been asking for is dru's tits. is that so wrong? [\quote]

Edited By HedCold on 1050295763
OMG Put pix of hed's girl on the front that's the best idea I've ever had...w00t...
I was just meandering around the board and I saw the link in baker's sig. His board's front page looks conspicuously like ours. :22:
I had mine first, so back off.

Also there are other boards with it to, so quit your bitchin.

Edited By Baker on 1050871457
I designed it...

I use it on quite a few of my boards with a few variations on each.
i haven't asked for a pic of dru's tits in weeks.

i must redouble my efforts.
she hasn't been around in a while numb nutz :twak:
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