Full Version: Quit with me...
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No, not pot. Confusedmack:

No more cigarettes. I went across the street intending to buy a pack, but I bought lots and lots of candy instead. Mmmmmmm.... Gummi Worms. If you have cigarettes left, throw them away. If you're out, don't buy anymore. Just try it cold turkey, see how long you can hold out.
My head hurts. Candy sucks. :36:
uh, I just bought a new lighter though
it has a light house on it & the other has a picture of a clock
oh not the puppy eyes ..... anything but puppy eyes

Well that didn't last long.

I feel much better! :28:
Danked without cancer sticks = :35:

Danked with the funny green stuff = :rofl:

The board without a happy Danked = :disappointed:
This is the last one, I swear.
phew, so the rest of us don't have to quit anymore, right? :thumbs-up:
Everyone around me smokes, it's so hard not to.

But I went 6 months once before. I think I can do it.
you should all stop, then you can smoke more pot :21:
I'd join you but I just bought 2 packs. Why don't we all pick a date and then quit together. How's May 1st?

You people are weird
but now we get to be weird together
no more going thru life thinking everyone is normal & we are the odd ones
NAY! band together Strange People! ..... and could someone bring me a soda :clueless:

I just saw something on tv that would be perfect for Danked

Last night didn't count. :36:

Gum, patch, or pill?
It's from SNL, when the Rock was on

A guy lives with you and whenever you want to smoke he starts beating the shit out of you.
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