what does it mean when you take a bong hit and then fall over?
it means you are related to a retarded person, next?
you could be more retarded than your relative, if thats even possible.
You took the hit like a bitch...
It means you are trying too hard to look cool by telling everyone you smoke weed.
i think galt nailed it right on the head
someone spiked yer green with some meth amphz
ok ill go away now, im retarded and shouldnt ask for advice anymore :29:
you can come back and play when you grow a brain.
does everyone have their panties in a bunch today?
FF, you're probably just an inexperienced smoker
knowing Ladi i would have thought better of you
look at DGW throwing on the kid gloves.
and jesus get rid of the sig with the cock
It means you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Were you running just before you smoked?
Or did you have your head inside a plastic bag?
Edited By Weird NJ on 1050429532
Look at weird getting all technical...
My suggestion is to drill a couple of holes right behind the ears, for airation. A 3/8 drill bit should do it. :thumbs-up:
it was in the morning just after i woke up
thanks, i was looking for a techincal answer, no thanks to the rest of you :21:
it means you are a lightweight and should give up weed for something safer like pixiesticks