Way to state the obdvious there Keyser... :23:

if i knew what the obdvious was, i'd state it.
Quote:you are all not funny and not entertaining,
Quote:be less entertaining so i dont want to read it anymore
Make up your mind nitwit.
i hate math, its evil and wants to hurt me :9:
there's like too many numbers and stuff
Quote:im one of those posters that you all use to make yourselves feel better
Sounds Familiar
if you added a :24: that would've been comedic platinum
at least im not that lame, look at that one, ha hawe should be nice and not rip her a new Asshole
but you will try your darndest wont you :21:
ha ha ha, i just had a test where i finished 3 out of 7 problems, ha ha ha

hey i'm all for equal rightz
but wtf is it with the man ass?
stop being entertaining, cause she was smart before she came here :23:
:twak: ok ok one more
who am I ? : Im a little sister tagging along for the ride :loveya:
why am i so cranky? : because i hate school
do i hate you all ? no, :17: you are all very nice and i enjoy reading your posts :18:
Im sorry :bow: for being nasty :2: im all better now :fuggin: so i wll play nice
here is some female for you to look at before you go, :11:
thankyou for your patience :]
you would notice the skirt, cross dressing homo!
hi fish :lookatme:
what math class was it?
there were two, math 341 Introduction to Statistics
and math 334 applied linear regression models
both annoying and i havent done any work in three weeks
i only need one more math class :21: