this damned message board keeping me from doing my homework, you are all not funny and not entertaining, but somehow i find myself here all the time to read your stupid replies and witty banter, stop it, be less entertaining so i dont want to read it anymore, my head is going to explode from all the crap i didnt do this week, look at this, i just posted a new goddamned topic, ugh, and you are all going to make fun of me and anything that breathes, i know this, but it hasnt stopped me yet, im one of those posters that you all use to make yourselves feel better, i know that too, "at least im not that lame, look at that one, ha hawe should be nice and not rip her a new Asshole" its pathetic, this is the ranting place right? :crackhead:
eat my ass you filthy piece of shit :21:
i still dont know who you are or where you came from :clueless:
I just put up MSI. Now we're even.
i guess...for now

Pictures please. I want to know what I am making fun of looks like.
maybe instead of posting this crap find someone too teach you punctuation.
i dont care what you think, some people like me, but they wont admit it, bastards :21:
you are the scuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum between my toes
Quote:you are the scuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum between my toes
who the fuck are you again?

Listen Douchebag, you don't like it. Go Bye Bye. Keep with your studies and finish school. There is a place for witty banter like this and it's called college. :fuckoff: :21: :fuckoff:
college sucks, oh wait, im stoned and im going to go play roller hockey in a parking lot, its not so bad :21:
Edited By flamingfish on 1050455859