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Your first experimentations... (any drug)

I was 16 the first time I smoked pot. I was a sophmore and my girlfriend at the time was a senior. We had gone to the prom that night and had plans afterward to camp out with a bunch of other people from our school in her backyard. She had this path that led through the woods to a little creek where there was a perfect sandy area to pitch a tent, start a campfire, and have a keg party. It was great. It was basically her, me, and a bunch of her hippie friends from high school that I never had hung out with before. My date had a shitty little wooden pipe which was being passed around along with a couple of joints that someone else had brought. I didn't feel anything at first, but these people smoked a lot. We sat there all night just packing bowl after bowl. They made me eat the roach from my first joint saying it was a tradition among them, but I'm still convinced they were just fucking with me. Undecided
17, pot...right before a meeting at school. Got some weird looks that night...weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
a few times in College, it never really took

but around 23, I really started to get into pot
people used to comment, "awwww she's so stoned, I remember that, that was nice" and I never used to get it ... I thought it was normal to be this zonked for 4 hours, not able to get out of the chair or speak

:Confusedigh:: gee I miss those days :15:
i was 14, freshman year of high school, dropped acid at a party at my friends house. got snowed in the house, not cool being stuck in a house tripping. spent a few hours talking to myself, with no sound comming out, staring at the snow comming down. wooo. to be 14 again.

I'm as pure as the fucking snow
[Image: wwgd.jpg]
Next time one of your friends ask you if you want to smoke marijuana, ask yourself... What Would Gomez Do?

Just say no, kids.
Quote::Confusedigh:: gee I miss those days :15:

me too, i only smoked because my pothead sister smoked, she used to go make mashed potatoes for us, those were the days :14: :loveya: :loveya:

Edited By flamingfish on 1050516302
When you feel the urge to masturbate to the thought of another board member, ask yourself... What Would Gomez do?
To confirm my mildness yet again...I smoked for the first time ever...strawberry tobacco out of a hookah with some guys and this paki kid...
Tobacco? :lol:
I took my first shot last was Tequilla...
I've still never been drunk or high...although some of my friends swear I'm on coke...
But seriously... don't ever do coke.
that tobacco made me paranoid... :26:
I was 14, I had seen people smoke up but never did it until one of my good friends decided to try it and share. We didn't get all baked up the forst time, we were more scared than anything of killing ourselves so we eased it down :lol:

Then for many years he and I would get together and smoke, but I never really became a major pothead or anything. When my dad passed on I hit the bottle pretty bad, but didn't even go near pot, which people always say "that's weird", but I think it's because I equate pot with good feelings, and I was so far from good feelings during that period in my life.
Quote:What Would Gomez do?

I'm having the strangest feeling of Deja Vu
first time i drank was prom weekend my sophomore year in high school. (went to wildwood with a few friends who were seniors) first time smoking weed was prom weekend my senior year, when it was actually my prom.
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