this is about 30 minutes from me. anyone that wants to go can stay at my place. as soon as i find out where the festival is exactly, i'm sure i can find a way to sneak in. it'll be so much cheaper that way.
anyone who takes that offer i guarantee your day will end with you being suspended from paper boy's basement ceiling.
sorry , i meant duct taped to the kitchen table. my bad
if paper boy promises to anally rape me against my will, im so in.
Looks like the permit request for Field Day was denied. This fucking thing is next week already. Shouldn't they get those sort of licenses before they start selling tickets?
its being moved to Giants Stadium
really? link please.
thats gonna make for alot of unhappy campers. ZING!
Edited By Keyser Soze on 1054758954
just remember, you heard it here first! im so inside it hurts... :5:
it was on the news last night duder :5:
this whole fucking festival is gonna be full of suburban teenagers who hate thier parents, whining about how unfair the world is.
its gonna be like sitting in front of the ho-ho-kus 7-11 on a saturday night but with a band playing.