Full Version: Whats up fuckers?
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Do I still know how to post in this place?
sup yo
[Image: icon14.gif]
hybrids new sig is ubercool
So what have you fuckers been up to? :fuggin:
teenweek had a baby :toast:
I got laid. :5:
i had the Perfect Date! :21:
do you remember how to post with the rest of the population or are you too chicken?
that would be Pollo, to el Tequila
:26: who were you again???
Just saying hello. Have been really busy with work, wife & kids.

Trish my name is not Col. Sanders :21:
I sure did miss you r sigs...
you were too heavy on the cheese on my tacos, today, dude. thought you should know.
I didn't know you smoked pot....
me or Tequiza? I've smoked with you. :fuggin: Of course this was years ago early on in the WWF restauraunt days.
Quote:you were too heavy on the cheese on my tacos, today, dude. thought you should know
Was this a salsa joke or a shot at Tequila?

Quote:I didn't know you smoked pot....
All the cool kids are doing it...
It was a Tequila Shot! :11:
Beautiful...I set it up you knock it work at it's finest... :thumbs-up:
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