Full Version: Skittles Poll - Come on. Vote for Your Favorite
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Think of it more as you inspired me Hedcold. :13:
Quote:gimmick theif

And that makes you so original?

nothing gets by you
i nulled my vote this morning
i am more impressed by you every day hybrid. :loveya:
<--- Doesn't plan to ever vote. :39:

© 2003 Jack
the new jack is a fine jack indeed. :loveya:
i liked Opus better
<-----------Null Voted :16:
© 2003 2 Tired 2 Give N F
good one buttmunch jr
I like the starburst jelly beans and chewy gobstoppers...FUCK Skittles
There's nothing like a quarter pound of fresh gummy bears.
fatty :lol:
i feel shame. sorry.
you should be rail thin with all of the blow. what up with that?
I don't do THAT much blow. And I am losing weight, with proper diet and exercise.
how much do you weigh?
i've never considered suzie to be overweight in any way.
Thank you! :loveya:
It's not about my weight in numbers, just how I see myself.
2 out of every 3 women think they're overweight. Galt's girlfriend isn't one of them.
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