Full Version: MY NJ ADVENTURE - riding in cars with boys
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So I missed the Path train to NY by one minute last night, which BLEW. I was "stunk and droned" and SO sleepy. There were these 3 huge, tall, broad shouldered guys who paid for the train then just missed it with me. They were pissed cuz they had been abou to drive into the city. I asked if they knew if there were cabs to NYC outside and they said, if you pay for the toll, we'll take you. Turned out they were going to a bar right near my bridge, great place for me to catch a cab back to Queens.
Don't worry, I asked if they were safe before I got into the car with them. Turns out they are arena football players from the Albany team, AND they smoke bud!!!!! I ended up getting them high instead of paying for the toll and we had a blast.
The moral of the story? Pot is the universal bond amongst young people, or its safe to take rides from strangers. You decide.
I asked a guy in Jersey City for directions once. He didn't really speak english, but he wanted a ride down the street. So I dropped him off and he said the street was that way & kinda pointed. It's not so bad to go with strangers, I just wouldn't do it all the time, I wouldn't want to talk to them. I found the place ok, too.
can't wait to read about you guys being found in a ditch someday in the paper :5:
try to not get throw in ditch till after this Thursday eve's festivities. :1:
Why don't you do the throwing Goochy? Teach these girls a lesson about messing with strangers.
What's happening Thursday?