Full Version: I just found a $20 bill - not bad for a Monday...
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so I go to take a leak and on the floor of the men's room I find a $20 bill. Noone else was in there, so I claimed it as mine. What should I buy with it? Lunch would've been a nice idea, but I already had it. Smokes maybe? Or should I save it for a rainy day?
Found it on the floor?

Wash it, it's loaded with germs and AIDS, possibly SARS too.
I wouldn't have picked it up. :crackhead:
yeah man, youre going to get sars
fuck that - found money is always a good thing!

I suppose everyone thinks the $$ you get from an ATM or change from a purchase is squeaky clean?

I think I'm gonna use it on a pack of smokes and a DVD (GlenGarry GlenRoss, $12.99 at Best Buy).
i would buy some antiseptic and bathe in it if i were you
should I tell my co-workers that it would be a good idea for them to start wearing those air-filter masks now?
i thought that was SOP when you are at work.
I guess it is, but I really don't like most of these people. Fuck 'em, they're on their own.
I've done statistical analysis, and found that for bills less than $50, it's not worth my time to bend down and pick it up.
galt shits $20 bills