Full Version: annoying fucking message - GRRRR
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i get this error message so much and i dont know what to do
i don't have a copy of win2k so is there other ways to fix it? it really pisses me off
[Image: error.jpg]
i removed my cdroms one time and i was still getting the error, so i doubt its that
im glad i dont get that message
try washing your scuzzi. when they get dirty they do that. :thumbs-up:
it means i have to have sex with joobies, that usually fixes it.
It means you should actually buy your software, and not pirate it you cheap haxor fuck.
my win2k came installed from my college. they didn't give us the cds for it. if i need to have it reinstalled i have to go their crappy little service center and wait a week
yea so i think i was getting it because of the new mcaffee virus scan i installed (legally by the way)
ever since i disabled it it stopped. i guess i'll try reinstalling it later