Full Version: HA HA HA!! i am rich and you are not!!!
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You are a king amongst men.
i stood at his beck and call for hours
you were too stoned to care
Quote:you sure have lost your edge

yeah, especially when you consider the comedy gold mine that is you...

Quote:man, imagine how many 8 balls you can get now...oh yea stroke

On my worst day, I post circles around you. On my best day, you get banned for thinking about criticizing my posts. The world has changed grasshopper. I'm sorry I don't care enough about you to bless you with my witty posts and banter.
Quote:On my worst day, I post circles around you. On my best day, you get banned for thinking about criticizing my posts.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No really, posting smilies really bodes well for you ability to hold your own. Oh wait, that's what you're best at... HOLDING YOUR OWN! OH! (I'm gettin' dice-ish on ya there)
wait, you were serious?
Am I ever NOT serious??? Undecided
Quote:You may be rich but obviously you must be a lonely man if your only outlet to share such a triumph was here.
oh great! some new kid in town who wants to test himself against the aging gunslinger. go away,
Quote:oh great! some new kid in town who wants to test himself against the aging gunslinger. go away,

don't turn me away, let me hug you.

I can be the ron howard to your john wayne.
good movie reference!
do you need a personal assistant?
i need a job Undecided
Make sure to give him a pat on the back once in a while, he needs some human contact.
I say foo is Gonzo.

I also say that Sleeper should beat up Kid.
Wouldn't Kid just sit on Sleeper killing him?
Sleeper would crack wise until Kid died.
if he fights back, i win.
Quote:I say foo is Gonzo.

I also say that Sleeper should beat up Kid.
i agree with these assessments
I am wounded deeply right now.
You already mentioned that.
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