Full Version: Tonight, I am a star - Just cut my first single
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Voted most likely to shoot up the school and that was in 1984.
:7: I'm sorry. I never expected for my creativity to cause strife amongst men. I am shelving my single until we are in a world without unprovoked anger. Who could have thought an artist with so much love could only spread hate with her music. I am retiring.
... it wasn't your creativity. It was Mad's lack thereof.....
Yeah, it's all my fault. :36:
Let's not play the blame game. No more fighting. There can be peace if we'd all open our minds.
Come on guys, make up.
... I don't need to open mah mind no mo.... ya'll the 85%ers....
By the way, I was trying to degrade Suzie. I was simply saying that singing in a home studio would seem to pale in comparison to these two other things.

Oh, and I'm sooooo sorry that I had the wrong show and that it was a bar, not a diner. Fuggin' shoot me in the head for having a poor memory for such mundane details compared to the rest of the story.
Quote:Oh, and I'm sooooo sorry that I had the wrong show and that it was a bar, not a diner. Fuggin' shoot me in the head for having a poor memory for such mundane details compared to the rest of the story.
You're so cute. :loveya:
why are you threatning me with firepower?
Just playin... :8:
I had a fisher price recorder when I was 3, I sang the theme to ghostbusters. As I am sure many others did, not the singing of the ghostbusters theme that is.
Quote:By the way, I was trying to degrade Suzie.

Because he's angry and jealous of Sleeper's posting superiority and better physique

Sleeper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kid

Edited By Galt on 1052027058
Today I found $36 in a pair of old jeans. Even thought it's always been my money, I feel lucky and excited. Good night.
i want a copy of your single.
Excellent! Unfortunately I can't re-release it until people stop hating each other without just cause.
will your supple boobs be on the cover of said CD?
Stop fantasizing about my boobs. You're beginning to resemble all the other creepy old men around here.

so will they?
Nope. I am past the point in my career where I will use my breasts to gain notoriety. That was like, SO 2 years ago.
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