Full Version: I must settle this... - ...what is the best hot dog
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mustard, and onions are a must.
i almost bought a jar of pickled onions the other day
i never had pickeld onions. i guess i'm missing out
you are
i feel so sheltered
I had a hot dog yesterday with honey mustard and relish. I don't know if I should click other or w/mustard and relish. Undecided
But I do know that I'm going to have another one right now. :thumbs-up:
i could go for a hotdog right now. but no summer job for me means no free hotdogs Undecided
Quote:relish onions ketchup and mustard

Sounds good too me
i'm hungry :36:
awwww poor Hedcold...
i just made pasta, it's good, but i have no cheese to sprinkle on top Sad
i found candy :21:
i have one cookie left, i'm gonna save it for later
Tostitos w/ a hint of lime & Salsa. :5:

I should put on salsa on the last hotdog. :13:
Salsa > Chili > Onions > Ketchup > Plain > Death > Cheese > Mustard > Relish
ahhhhhhhhh. i just finished a nice hotdog with onion and alittle bit of yellow american cheeese topped with mustard.
Quote:Tostitos w/ a hint of lime & Salsa

holy shit, these are amazing! I can eat a whole bag in one sitting easily - and with Salsa, they go down even faster.

I had grandma's home-made pierogies today :banana:
Have any of you really wondered what's in a hot dog?

WTF is a by-product, fillers and what not.

I'll stick with the Beef Kosher hot dogs with mustard and relish. Onions are just plain nasty.
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