Full Version: They're gaying up goldberg already
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first of all his new enterance music sucks fuckin ass.

his new black and white shorts also suck ass.

him paling around with austin was fuckin horrible, two guys who are defined by being against the grain and not really trusting anyone.

a beef with christian also horrible.

Austin swimming around and doing the back stroke in a puddle of beer, pricless.
The tights were pretty cool. Yes the music sucks. Austin cannot wrestle anymore so I thought it was pretty cool seeing htme in the ring together. I was hoping for it to be another Tyson and Austin moment. I heard a rumor Austin will wrestle one last match at SUmmerslam against Goldberg. The beer bash went on way too long. SHould have ended Raw right after Goldberg and Austin toasted each other.
At least give the guy someone better than Christian to feud with unless they want to build him up from mid carder.
give christian more credit. who else on the heel side can goldberg really face? can't give him jericho too early, then what do you do the rest of the summer...besides that, is there another heel? nope, didn't think so...