Full Version: Zootybang appreciation post - Feel the power drawing you to read this
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Seeing as how we've been inundated with retarded "In this thread...." posts lately, I thought I'd throw out a thread on a subject that magically binds us together. If I may, the very fiber of this message board.
Namely, me.
I'll get this thing kicked off, and you guys can just follow suit and let nature take It's course. For starters;

Zootybang Is probably the coolest person on earth. Now, you all post your amusing anectdotes on how I've affected your life In a positive way, however small It might seem.
Please, discuss and comiserate.
I had baked turkey on seedless rye, with a side of coleslaw and 2 glasses of water.
See? Already I'm stimulating conversation.
I had a grilled chicken salad with chopped eggs and extra ranch dressing.
there is nothing like a fresh set of sheets on the bed
im moving out of my dorm thursday
Midgets, while comical, must really be depressed inside knowing no matter how hard they try, they'll always be considered "little people".
If you drive your car really, really fast men in uniforms will start flashing you
chinese internet portals are the wave of the future
It's "I hope we never part" now get it right or pay the price!
ball 4 take your base
Appreciation threads should never be started by the person being appreciated
do people ever really appreciate an appreciation thread?
Apparently you missed the Irony of that fact.
There was no irony, this was a sad attempt at self love
How do you attempt to love yourself? It would more accurately be described as a sad attempt to get others to love me.
You don't know how to attempt self love?

Quote:How do you attempt to love yourself?

masturbation perhaps?
Do we need a "Master of Your Domain" bet??
Zooty, I still can't find my remote...can you help? :lol:
I appreciate Zooty for all his flava and Zooty goodness. :10:
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